Recently, a small yet challenging task of writing one short story a day without stopping was offered to writers who wanted to use constant writing as a way to improve their skill (it can be found HERE). I thought it would help writers dig within themselves and discover a voice that they want to unleash in their writing.
Since, I've decided that it seems to be working for most who have dedicated their time to winning/accomplishing this challenge. Hence i've come up with a challenge this is even more difficult, but is very worthwhile in the end.
The Challenge
The challenge is similar to that of The Great Writing Challenge. You will be required to gather inspiration from a variation of songs. The difference is that your project will be of great length...and a fan fiction. That's right. You will be writing a lengthy fan fiction. You will be given until June 22 to plan your story, and must post one chapter a week on a specific day. In addition there will be a word count minimum requirement for each chapter.
Writers assemble! And we shall make this challenge a success!
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